Sebastian Hösl.

It's me

Hi! I’m Sebastian 👋🏻 a Digital Designer focused on Design Systems and Web with strong Frontend Developer skills and high accessibility ambitions.


Prototyping Festool's New Checkout Form

Check out Festool's new Checkout Form prototype created in Figma. This interactive design streamlines the checkout process and makes it easier for developers to implement.


New Design System and Pattern Library at Festool

One of my latest projects was developing Festool's new Design System and Pattern Library in Figma. It streamlines our web, app, and HMI designs with consistent patterns and enhanced accessibility.


Bulk Variables Generator

This is a useful plugin for Figma designers working on design systems with tokens.


Festool Login Page

For this project, I designed and developed the login page, including the registration and password recovery pages, for Festool.

Want more? Visit my Figma profile.
My Figma Profile